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What is a Theatre Consultant, and How Can They Help?

Theatre consultants are specialized professionals who play a vital role in the design, planning, and execution of theatrical productions. Their expertise is essential for both educational and professional theater settings. This post will explore the role of a theatre consultant and how they can assist theater teachers in enhancing the quality of their productions.

The Role of a Theatre Consultant

1. Design and Planning

Theatre consultants work closely with architects, engineers, and designers to create functional and aesthetically pleasing theater spaces (AVIXA, 2009). They adhere to standards set by organizations such as ANSI, ASTM, and NEC to ensure safety and compliance.

2. Technology Integration

With certifications such as CTS (Certified Technology Specialist), theatre consultants are equipped to integrate the latest audiovisual technologies, following guidelines from SMPTE, EIA, and FCC (Infocomm, 2009).

3. Rigging and Electrics

Theatre consultants are often ETCP Certified for Rigging and Entertainment Electrics. They ensure that all rigging and electrical systems are installed and maintained according to UL and OSHA standards (ESTA, 2020).

4. Accessibility

Ensuring that theater spaces are accessible to all is a priority. Theatre consultants follow the ADA guidelines to make sure that the facilities are inclusive (ADA, 1990).

How Can Theatre Consultants Help Theater Teachers?

1. Educational Support

Theatre consultants can provide training and workshops to theater teachers, helping them understand the latest technologies and safety standards (USITT, 2018).

2. Enhancing Productions

By offering insights into design, acoustics, and lighting, theatre consultants can elevate school productions to professional levels, adhering to BICSI and NEMA guidelines (NEMA, 2019).

3. Safety Inspections

Theatre consultants perform rigorous health and safety inspections, ensuring that the performing arts centers are compliant with national and local regulations (OSHA, 1970).


Theatre consultants are invaluable allies for theater teachers. Their expertise in design, technology, safety, and accessibility ensures that theatrical productions are not only spectacular but also safe and inclusive. Collaborating with a theatre consultant can significantly enhance the quality of education and performance in the theater arts.


  • AVIXA. (2009). AV Installation Handbook Second Edition: The Best Practices for Quality Audiovisual Systems. Infocomm.
  • ESTA. (2020). Entertainment Services and Technology Association Standards.
  • ADA. (1990). Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • USITT. (2018). United States Institute for Theatre Technology Guidelines.
  • NEMA. (2019). National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association Standards.
  • OSHA. (1970). Occupational Safety and Health Act.